
Janelle Watson

Content Marketing at Justworks

Janelle Watson provides content marketing for the international team at Justworks. With a background in higher education and journalism, Janelle helps tell stories that make international expansion and EOR accessible.

Janelle Watson's headshot

Recent Posts

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How to Convert an International Contractor to a Full-Time Employee

Discover the process of converting an international contractor to a full-time employee and different ways to initiate this process.

June 11, 2024 3 minutes
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What “Quiet Vacationing” Means for Small Businesses

Discover how unreported PTO is impacting the workplace and how to best support your team with open communication and better policies.

June 4, 2024 3 minutes
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Creating a Global Compensation Strategy for Your Global Team

Hiring globally? Explore how to create a global compensation strategy for your international team, ensuring fairness and alignment across locations.

May 30, 2024 3 minutes

How to Pay Contractors in Australia

Discover the perks of hiring contractors Down Under and explore options for paying them.

May 20, 2024 4 minutes
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Building a Comprehensive Mental Health Strategy for a Global Team

Help your global team feel seen, heard, and understood by taking mental health seriously.

May 7, 2024 3 minutes
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IRS Form 1096 for International Reporting: Essential Tips

Are you a U.S. business that makes payments to non-employees? Learn about IRS reporting regulations to avoid compliance problems.

April 29, 2024 3 minutes

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