
Why Recruiters are Partnering with Justworks, a Hyperlocal EOR

If you're looking to recruit and hire top talent around the world, you may want to consider how an employer-of-record (EOR) can help you stay compliant.

Blog Author - Justworks
Dec 19, 20233 minutes
Blog Author - Justworks

Justworks is a technology company that levels the playing field for all small businesses. Through our software and as a partner, we help our customers take care of their teams, streamline their operations, and navigate the complex aspects of managing a workforce with confidence.

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When small businesses decide to hire in a new country, they are often stuck on where to start. They may be asking themselves where they can find top talent and how they’ll potentially onboard international workers compliantly. 

A company might begin the process of hiring in a new country by connecting with local recruiters, but that doesn’t solve the problem of what happens after top talent has been identified. 

For this reason, when recruiters work with small businesses that are looking to expand internationally, it often makes sense for the recruiters themselves to partner with an EOR provider like Justworks’ global EOR.

While the recruiter sources and identifies top talent, an EOR takes care of the onboarding paperwork, including managing payroll, benefits, compliance, and other HR processes. 


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Why recruiters partner with Justworks 

  • Justworks can help your clients hire international talent that you source, all without them needing to set up local legal entities.

Unlike other competitors in the recruiting space, Justworks’ services can complement yours and provide a better hiring experience for recruiting clients. 

5 benefits of partnering with an EOR provider

Here’s a look at five benefits local recruiters can offer clients by working with Justworks as their trusted EOR partner.

1. Provide end-to-end services for clients expanding abroad 

By working with a recruiting partner and an EOR, small businesses can recruit and build their teams without needing to find on-the-ground experts, create a local network, or go through the time-consuming task of setting up an entity.

2. Accelerate the onboarding process

As soon as your client decides to hire the talent you source, Justworks can begin the onboarding process quickly. Opening an entity, on the other hand, can take up to a year in some cases. 

3. Help clients build & scale international teams without an entity

Companies start to see the real benefits of hiring abroad when they build teams or hubs in a new country. Justworks’ unique set of hyperlocal features enable businesses to build compliant hubs, so they could have a small marketing team in Toronto, and a design team in Mexico City.

While many companies are able to find talent, they may not  have the infrastructure to onboard full-time employees. Instead, they hire them as contractors. However, in many countries, especially across Latin America and Europe, this can lead to serious fines related to misclassification.

With Justworks, you can rest assured that workers are remaining compliant with all relevant labor laws, which includes registering workers for social security, paying taxes, and offering all government protections.

5. Partner with local specialists for benefits, payroll, and more

When you work with an EOR, you can offer best-in-class benefits and seamless payroll. This is usually equivalent to what local employers in the region offer.

By offering a local employment experience with top benefits, your clients are better positioned to recruit and retain top talent, especially at higher levels such as Director, VP, and even C-Suite.

Key success factors to working with Justworks 

  • Client-centered processes. When you team up with Justworks, we make sure that your clients receive top service and satisfaction.

  • Hyper-local expertise. Our team of local expansion specialists are available to support your referrals with the help they require, whenever they need it.

  • Global payroll solutions. With our customized payroll solutions, your referrals can be confident of precise, on-time global payroll and benefits.

  • Ongoing Compliance. Justworks bears risks and legal accountability. This provides additional security for your referrals, guaranteeing that they maintain full compliance with local labor laws.

Are you a recruiter who is interested in referring your clients to Justworks? Explore more about our international capabilities and EOR services today.

This material has been prepared for informational purposes only, and is not intended to provide, and should not be relied on for, legal or tax advice. If you have any legal or tax questions regarding this content or related issues, then you should consult with your professional legal or tax advisor.
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Written By
Blog Author - Justworks
Dec 19, 20233 minutes

Justworks is a technology company that levels the playing field for all small businesses. Through our software and as a partner, we help our customers take care of their teams, streamline their operations, and navigate the complex aspects of managing a workforce with confidence.

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