Becoming a Founder

How to Follow your Intuition to Start Your Business

Learn how to trust your intuitive instincts and start that business you’ve always dreamed of. Explore steps and examples from entrepreneurs just like you.

Blog Author - Alex Caiola
Alex Caiola
Oct 3, 20234 minutes
Blog Author - Alex Caiola
Alex Caiola

Alex Caiola is an intuitive executive and business coach, and founder of Capricorn Rising Inc. After her 10+ year career as a Director of Talent at tech and hospitality brands like SoulCycle and Alfred, she followed the call to help people self-actualize through her own business in 2019. Through 1:1 work, brand partnership, and content, she helps leaders lean into their intuition and intutives develop their business acumen.

For more, visit her Website:

Listen to the podcast: Capricorn Rising Inc.

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Follow your Intuition to Start Your Business

The calling to start your business combines two things: the rational and the irrational. I’m reminded of my favorite quote attributed to Albert Einstein: “The intuitive mind is a sacred gift, and the rational mind is a faithful servant.” In what I’ve observed of my own entrepreneurial journey and those of countless others, including those in Justwork’s Founder Roundtable, there’s an incredible mix of internal pings that feel right to follow (intuitive information) and the practical skill sets employed to back them up (the rational information). 

If this feels foreign to you, that’s likely because you’ve been conditioned to believe something else. The second part of that famous quote is: “We have created a society that honors the servant and has forgotten the gift.” Unfortunately (or fortunately, depending on your priorities), we must tend to the rational, especially because our societal structures depend on it. 

But, if we could learn to trust our intuitive instincts more, especially the ones that help us notice the path that we’re on, we’d have an easier time moving through the rational skill sets we need to support ourselves. This piece will show you the clear need for both on your journey to becoming a founder, along with clear steps and examples from entrepreneurs just like (future) you. 

Observe Your Internal Guide

The first step on the journey is observation. Many of us are programmed to believe there is one way through this world. We’re often encouraged to “get a good job and make money” instead of “finding our calling.” It’s not necessarily bad advice; it’s rooted in providing safety and security — honoring the rational servant over the intuitive gift. But that advice might have led you right here to this article, searching for a career path that lights you up.  

Start paying attention to what might be your programming vs. what is your internal guide. We unlearn our internal guide throughout our lives so that following a system (for example, many years of schooling) is much easier. Think back to a time any caretaker told you to finish your meal when you were no longer hungry. It is one way our internal cues diminish in favor of an external system. Seeing the difference will help you disconnect from “traditional” in favor of the radical rollercoaster of entrepreneurship.

It will also help you notice the effects of your own talents by observing your flow and the waves it makes in your environment. If you can clearly delineate your skills in your career, relationships, or even hobbies outside of work, you give yourself permission to lean into them more. You’ll also need them to start your business. 

Every founder can recognize the time when they understand their skill set is a major asset. It's present in every founder’s story: the hyper-practical and technical architect Joseph Ifiegbu, CoFounder and CEO of eqtble, who knew he was skilled at building HR analytics; my client Nikki Bridges, Co-Founder and CEO of Lit, who knew she was a skilled educator and passionate about reading instruction; and even me, knowing I had an intuitive skillset to identify and help people live in their genius. You must have confidence in your talents this tall to ride this ride! 

Add Your Skills to Solve a Problem

Next, you track it. Next time you feel a ping to explore a problem, trust that your lens is clear! You’re still in observation mode, but now you’re applying your skill set to what you see. Like Jill Johnson, Co Founder and CEO of the Institute for Entrepreneurial Leadership, who used her inquisitive and financial talents to rectify a generational wealth problem — a problem she noticed in her own family business that, when she zoomed out, saw that it applied to many other Black-owned businesses. If you allow the magic of your intuition to go first, oftentimes, the data will back it up. 

Ideally, once you have your aha moment about the problem you’d like to solve, using your talents (intuition), you’ll test it (rational). Ask yourself tangible questions like:

  • Is this a problem that many people need to solve? 

  • Is my solution the simplest/best/way to solve that for them? 

  • What is my ultimate mission? 

Then, take your MVP (Minimum Viable Product) out into the world to get the validation of the path your intuition led you down. 

Embrace the Tipping Point & Go For It

That’s when the true magic happens. You hit a tipping point. Enough intuitive and rational data builds up to help you take the incredible leap to start. 

Nikki Bridges, Founder and CEO of Lit, aims to make every kid, everywhere, a reader. She recalls the tipping point: “I know I am a very talented educator… I have always been passionate about reading, reading instruction, and supporting others to be great reading teachers. It’s my sweet spot. So after watching other people codify and capitalize off my zone of genius, I decided to take the reins and do that myself to solve what I believe is a gnarly yet solvable problem.” 

This perfectly illustrates the intuitive knowing, observing her talent, applying it to solving a problem, testing it (by seeing it work in a structure led by others), and then feeling like it was time to own that work herself. Hitting the tipping point doesn’t necessarily mean the work will be easy after that — far from it! It just means you have built enough courage to go for it. 

Once you’re strapped into the ride, while you might feel anticipation or straight-up terror, it would be more of a pain to stop, unclip, and get off the ride. Plus, you might decide you want to get back on again and have to lose momentum by waiting in line. Trust that if you got all the way to the seat, your timing is perfect. Now, have fun! 

Want more content like this? Explore other posts from Alex on our blog, and check out her podcast Intuition Calling, a guide to help leaders strengthen their intuitive skill sets and follow their calling. 

This material has been prepared for informational purposes only, and is not intended to provide, and should not be relied on for, legal or tax advice. If you have any legal or tax questions regarding this content or related issues, then you should consult with your professional legal or tax advisor.
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Written By
Blog Author - Alex Caiola
Alex Caiola
Oct 3, 20234 minutes

Alex Caiola is an intuitive executive and business coach, and founder of Capricorn Rising Inc. After her 10+ year career as a Director of Talent at tech and hospitality brands like SoulCycle and Alfred, she followed the call to help people self-actualize through her own business in 2019. Through 1:1 work, brand partnership, and content, she helps leaders lean into their intuition and intutives develop their business acumen.

For more, visit her Website:

Listen to the podcast: Capricorn Rising Inc.

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